The India Brazil Chamber of Commerce held, today (28/01), the fifth edition of the CEOs Forum India Brazil, this time focused on fostering the debate on opportunities in bilateral relations in the Agribusiness sector. The virtual event was attended by H.E. Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply of Brazil, Ms. Tereza Cristina, diplomatic authorities of both countries and senior executives of Brazilian and Indian companies.
The India Brazil Chamber of Commerce (IBCC) organized the CEOS Forum India Brazil - Agribusiness Edition with the aim of promoting interaction between the public and private sectors to reflect on the challenges and opportunities to be explored in this sector in the context of the bilateral relationship between India and Brazil. The event was held on January 28, and had the institutional support of the Embassy of India in Brazil, Embassy of Brazil in India, Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (FICCI), PwC Brasil and Apex-Brasil, and sponsored by Bemisa, Unimar, UPL and Terra Brasil.
For contributions during the event, the distinguished guest speakers went to Exma. Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply of Brazil, Ms. Tereza Cristina; H.E. Ambassador of Brazil to India, Mr. André Aranha Corrêa do Lago; H.E. Ambassador of India to Brazil, Mr. Suresh Reddy; Hon’able Agricultural Attaché in India and Mr. Dalci Bagolin; Hon’able Consul General of India in Rio de Janeiro, Mr. Leonardo Ananda, also President of the India Brazil Chamber of Commerce; the President of Apex-Brasil, Mr. Sérgio Segovia; Partner PwC Brasil and Leader of Tax Consulting for Agribusiness Companies, Ms. Ana Malvestio; the Global CEO of UPL, Mr. Jai Shroff and the CEO of UPL Brazil, Mr. Fábio Torretta.
The CEO Forum India Brazil started with the welcoming words of the President of CCIB, Mr. Leonardo Ananda, who stressed the importance and potential of the relationship between India and Brazil in agribusiness, especially in the pulses sector.
Then, H.E. Minister Tereza Cristina, commented that the objective of Brazil with India is not to compete, but to cooperate based on synergistic and constructive efforts. “Brazil wants to establish itself as a reliable and long-term strategic partner, contributing to Indian rural development. Our goal is not simply to compete, but to collaborate. ” This would be possible through the contribution to Indian food and energy security, as, with population and income growth, there will be an increase in demand for more food and renewable energy.
The H.E. Ambassador André Corrêa do Lago, stated that in 2021 the objective is to double the trade relationship between India and Brazil, with agribusiness being an extremely important sector, and thanking the H.E. Ambassador of India to Brazil, Mr. Suresh Reddy for all the cooperation and work developed together.
The H.E. Ambassador Suresh Reddy, echoed the H.E.. Minister, reinforcing that the basis of the bilateral relationship between India and Brazil is based on collaboration and not competition. In addition, the Ambassador highlighted other opportunities and ideas for bilateral cooperation, for example, in digital innovation, development and the ecosystem of startups focused on the agribusiness sector and the potential of the sugar-energy sector in the India-Brazil relationship.
Subsequently, the President of Apex-Brasil, Mr. Sérgio Segovia, reported that the agency has more than 20 years of experience and works to increase trade between both countries. “Speaking of our growing numbers, trade between India and Brazil, in 2020, totaled 6.5 billion US dollars”, said Mr. Sergio Segovia, adding that an average of 57 of the sectorial projects conducted by Apex-Brasil has the India as one of its priority markets.
The Agricultural Attaché of Brazil in New Delhi, Mr. Dalci Bagolin, in addition to the previously raised segments, also highlighted the relevance of bilateral trade in Zebu genetic material. With regard to the sugar-energy segment, Mr. Dalci Bagolin commented on the vast experience that Brazil has in it and reinforced that the country is open to sharing this experience with India.
The PwC’s partner, Ms. Ana Malvestio, as well as the Global CEO of UPL, Mr. Jai Shroff and the CEO of UPL Brazil, Mr. Fábio Torretta, presented Brazil's strengths and opportunities in the agribusiness sector, listing the possibilities of cooperation with India.
Thus, the event was a great occasion to promote the debate between the public and private sectors on the perspectives, opportunities and actions necessary to intensify the interactions between India and Brazil in the agricultural sector, in which there is still much to be done.