After the decline in 2015 and 2016, India’s trade with Latin America grew by 24% in 2017 to 35 billion dollars. The trade between this both sides of the world is ready to growing again n view of the increase in the economic growth forecast for the region and the higher global prices of commodities.
The exports form India to some countries from Latin America were bigger than the exports to some neighbors countries and commercial partners, like Russia, Thailand or Canada.
The vehicle‘s exportations from India to Latin America, for example, represented 3,7 billions dollars (23%) of the Indian’s global exports.
Due to moderns occurrence, like the afraid of China and the Trump factor, the Latin-Americans countries have felt motivated to look for India, which is the fourth largest destination for global exports, marking that the Indians have an economy which is in a growing development and, according to the World Bank, will overcome, in the next years, some great economies.
The following article offers many insights and it details the growth business between India and Latin America. Read it in: http://businesswithlatinamerica.blogspot.com.br/2018/04/indias-trade-with-latin-america-has.html?m=1.