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Association of Indian Chambers in Latin America

At the invitation of the Indian Chamber of Commerce of Peru-INCHAM PERU, the presidents of the Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Mexico and Peru, agreed, through a video conference held on Tuesday June 16th, 2020, to establish the Virtual Association (Federation) of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India in Latin America (CAMARA LATININDIA). The objective of CAMARA LATININDIA is to work together to promote the increase and diversification of economic relations between the countries of Latin America and India.

For this purpose, it was agreed upon to create a Board of Directors comprised of the presidents of each of the Chambers, with an annual rotating presidency, in alphabetical order of the chambers, beginning with the presidency of INCHAMPERU.

The role of the Board is to coordinate the collaboration between the chambers for:

1. The exchange of information, good practices, and publications

2. Coordinating the organization of two-way business mission visits between India and Latin America.

3. Promoting business participation in the main international fairs in India and Latin America.

4. Organizing webinars, fairs, and sectoral business rounds between the business sectors of India and Latin America for the promotion of business opportunities.

5. Organizing other activities of common interest

The representative of the Indian Chamber of Commerce in Bolivia participated as an observer.

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